Merit; Whipple; Cheeple!?
Ready for randomness? A new game. Say three words. Must be instantly. Can't think long. Just do it! Okay, enough of trying to write this post in three word half sentences. Besides, that really isn't playing the game anyway, because those weren't random words pulled from the deepest crevices in my mind. So yeah, I learned a new game last night while at a wine bar. We went in circles saying three random words as fast as possible. You should try it sometime, but prepare yourself because you don't know what is going to come out of your friends' mouths, or even scarier, your own. I don't remember a lot of the sayings, but I do remember laughing. A lot, a lot. Maybe it was the wine though. And while I'm dishing out games and advice, here's some tidbits for you to chew on:
-MadLibs is always more entertaining when you provide dirty answers.

-Try to "draw" a circle in the air with your right hand moving it clockwise. Keep it going, round and round and round. Now, at the same time try to draw the number six with your right foot. And also, do this at a wine bar so people can laugh at you.
-MadLibs is always more entertaining when you provide dirty answers.

-Try to "draw" a circle in the air with your right hand moving it clockwise. Keep it going, round and round and round. Now, at the same time try to draw the number six with your right foot. And also, do this at a wine bar so people can laugh at you.
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