Suspicions confirmed
A really fun thing to do is get overly dressed up and go to a club. Then there is absolutely no denying you are the best looking people in the place (not that there is ever any doubt). But seriously, it is a fun that brings a kind of release of inhibitions, but without a hangover in the morning, and you don't have to wait for a gala or another wedding to get out your formal duds.
Members of the fabulous shmu cru: Shmickalaus, ShmeeShmoo, Shmayla, Shmagabby, and Shmapril.

They work together, play together, pee together,

and did I say play together?

This is a result of my favorite picture taking game, but I can't remember what emotion was yelled out. I imagine it was something like, "Oh yeah, I rule."

If only you could see the part not in the picture that is being applauded.

This trend is coming to a city near you.

Sometimes, you just have to be those girls if no one else is stepping up to the plate.

Big fans + big hair = BIG FUN!

This is a top secret super hero power enabling move.

A: "Nick, I'm kind of tired of looking better than everyone else."
N: "Mmm huh, you got that right!"

Our little performer makes us proud.

I believe this is the reaction to finding dog poop on your sandwich, or something of that nature.

So, just let me know if you feel like getting dressed up and going out, and other than on Halloween. I have two other dresses I am dying to wear. Haha. I swear I am not superficial.
Members of the fabulous shmu cru: Shmickalaus, ShmeeShmoo, Shmayla, Shmagabby, and Shmapril.

They work together, play together, pee together,

and did I say play together?

This is a result of my favorite picture taking game, but I can't remember what emotion was yelled out. I imagine it was something like, "Oh yeah, I rule."

If only you could see the part not in the picture that is being applauded.

This trend is coming to a city near you.

Sometimes, you just have to be those girls if no one else is stepping up to the plate.

Big fans + big hair = BIG FUN!

This is a top secret super hero power enabling move.

A: "Nick, I'm kind of tired of looking better than everyone else."
N: "Mmm huh, you got that right!"

Our little performer makes us proud.

I believe this is the reaction to finding dog poop on your sandwich, or something of that nature.

So, just let me know if you feel like getting dressed up and going out, and other than on Halloween. I have two other dresses I am dying to wear. Haha. I swear I am not superficial.
the "oh yeah i rule" picture was a response to "sabrina, the teenage witch"
looks like alot of fun...lets do it up this weekend!
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