I'm so sorry, I'm so very sorry/Coaching raises my self esteem
Actually, I am not sorry at all. I went to see Morrissey play in Tulsa last night and my ears are still ringing with awesomeness. The only thing I am sorry about is that I, following the rules, did not bring my camera. Once the concert started everyone but me started whipping out cameras and taking pictures. From this point forward, I adhere to zero camera prohibiting laws. The only picture I took was this crapulous (I just learned this word and have been waiting for my chance to use it--sweet!) one with my cell phone.

The opening band was Tiger Army. I had never heard them before, but I liked them. I was disappointed though when, like such a name implies, there were no tigers battling, nor any tigers just hanging out, and the only fine feline at the show was me. Meow! I also learned a valuable concert attending lesson. When I go to my next general admission concert, I am going to find a big, fat guy to go with me. Once Morrissey came on stage, people were shoving and pushing to get closer, which to me is acceptable and to be expected at a concert. But when I am standing in a spot and someone decides that is exactly where they want to stand and do it, I get very displaced. I ended up about 20 feet away from my original spot, which didn't bother me. (I'm sure if that had been happening to the wrong person though, fights would have ensued.) I noticed how all the big, fat guys, and the people they were with ended up where they started or where they wanted to stand. This is so obvious, why didn't I think of it sooner? I'm currently taking applications for a big, fat friend who likes to go to concerts.
I've started coaching track for a junior high in Tulsa, and it is my favorite thing to do. Going back to junior high is so entertaining, and even though this is cliche, coaching is a very rewarding experience in several ways. One is watching your athletes improve and grow as runners and persons. Another, is that they are the only people who are still impressed with my past and current running capabilities, and how cool they think I am because of them. Haha, if only they knew what a dork I really am.

The opening band was Tiger Army. I had never heard them before, but I liked them. I was disappointed though when, like such a name implies, there were no tigers battling, nor any tigers just hanging out, and the only fine feline at the show was me. Meow! I also learned a valuable concert attending lesson. When I go to my next general admission concert, I am going to find a big, fat guy to go with me. Once Morrissey came on stage, people were shoving and pushing to get closer, which to me is acceptable and to be expected at a concert. But when I am standing in a spot and someone decides that is exactly where they want to stand and do it, I get very displaced. I ended up about 20 feet away from my original spot, which didn't bother me. (I'm sure if that had been happening to the wrong person though, fights would have ensued.) I noticed how all the big, fat guys, and the people they were with ended up where they started or where they wanted to stand. This is so obvious, why didn't I think of it sooner? I'm currently taking applications for a big, fat friend who likes to go to concerts.
I've started coaching track for a junior high in Tulsa, and it is my favorite thing to do. Going back to junior high is so entertaining, and even though this is cliche, coaching is a very rewarding experience in several ways. One is watching your athletes improve and grow as runners and persons. Another, is that they are the only people who are still impressed with my past and current running capabilities, and how cool they think I am because of them. Haha, if only they knew what a dork I really am.
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