Tuesday, April 25, 2006

"Don't cry out, Cease fire"

Last night there was an amazing thunderstorm and the lightening was hitting so close that when the power in my apartment went out, the lights still stayed on fueled by all the static electricity. Okay, I made that up and highly doubt that would even be possible. But it was an awesome storm, and lightening was striking very close and more than twice. I spent the night watching a movie that made me appreciate the rare type of love where the rest of the world can't interfere and the mind loses its logic to the heart, but then it made me wonder if such a thing truly exists, or if it is a charming notion created by Hollywood. I started speculating that the characters in the movie wouldn't have behaved the same way if they weren't so young, which took me to the conclusion that love changes relative to age. But then that would mean that I've missed out on being able to share the innocent, willing to dive in head first, nothing else matters type of love because I am old enough to have become somewhat selfish in my own passions. I also started to think that love can be distracting and not necessarily a good thing. So, I tabled the thoughts and decided to solve my dilemma with the answer I use to solve all of my dilemmas where I feel like more thought and analysis are required than I want to exert: it's all subjective. I can't believe the film made me consider love so much, especially when Valentine's Day is already over this year and I am not one to be a sappy romantic. Maybe it was the storm/movie combo that did it, or maybe it is myself trying to fill my head with other thoughts than my upcoming race. I still like the notion that people do make others happy, and some may get to experience a beautiful Hollywood romance. I also like a band I newly discovered called the Shiny Toy Guns. Check them out here (I really like the song, "Don't cry out"):



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