A Lesson For You
I realize most people aren't as excited as I am when it comes to the sport of track and field, but everyone should know who Steve Prefontaine is, arguably the greatest American distance runner who died before he could completely prove it. And if you don't know about his running feats, then you should have at least heard about him by the fact that there have been two major movies made about him, or maybe you've heard of Nike, the company his coach began. Yesterday, we had a going away party for one of the kids I coach and we gave him a Pre poster with his most famous quote ("to give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift" - oh so true) on it. The recipient looked at it and said, "who's that?" He gets off for not knowing about Pre because he is young, and he is a sprinter. But now I have informed you all who Pre is so you won't make the same embarassing mistake.

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