McDonald's McMonopoly
Now, I love McDonald's just as much as my fellow Americans who have not yet seen Supersize Me (it's on my Netflix list though). And I also get a tiny thrill from playing their Monopoly game, like last night when I won a small McFlurry. But I never realized how much some people like playing that game until I watched my friend order 8 medium Diet Cokes just for the game pieces last night. I followed suit and ordered 2 Dr. Peppers. We grabbed a bite at another restaurant, but drove to McDonald's to get our drinks just to play the game. This has to be one of the most successful promotions of all time. Also, if you ever want McDonald's employees to give you weird and puzzling looks, go up to them and order only 10 soft drinks and a large fries. It's like Monopoly mania up in this joint!

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