So yeah, Halloween

I went to Fayetteville this past weekend and roamed, or buzzed, around to a few different Halloween parties with my sister and a drunken sailor. We had a good time. I should have more fun pictures from my party the previous weekend, but the person who has them on her camera (my mom) just doesn't understand the importance of sending pictures ASAP so they can be posted all over the Internet immediately. Must be the generation gap coming into play. Ha. (I mean, come on, Mom, I've got a Myspace and Facebook account to upkeep here. I stopped messing with Friendster long ago though. Thank goodness!)

What do you do with a drunken sailor?

And NO, I wasn't going as the bee from the Blind Melon video. I was just a regular bee. Well, a queen bee maybe, but I'm that all the time, except for when I'm a princess; but then I'm just a princess and not associated with any insects (which is all the time except for when I'm in bee costume).
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