Thursday, February 01, 2007

Please Tell Me They're Kidding

Last night, I watched the American Idol tryouts for the first time, and I just really hope these people aren't as disillusioned as they appear. I really hope Fox pays these people to walk in thinking they are the bee's knees and give the most ridiculous, awful performances, and then act shocked when they get cut down by the judges. I mean, seriously? SERIOUSLY?!?!?

One of my biggest fears about the latest generation is how much we overestimate ourselves and how vain we have become. It's called humility ladies and gentlemen, and it seems those who have it don't need it, and those who don't, need to go drown themselves in it. One guy last night walked into the judges' room and just walked around slowly removing articles of clothing and meowing, calling himself a panther, for a good few minutes before even breaking into a song that made me want to jab pencils in my ears. And it appeared he truly believed he was going to be the next Justin Timberlake. Come on, people. There are only a select few who can get away with meowing at others. I know I am God's gift to this earth, but I also know I wasn't placed here to sing (because I would do so in a heartbeat if I had the ability), nor do I expect others to realize it...


Meow. (Wink)

Also, I am convinced that Fox must pay or at least mis-encourage these people, because the auditions make for some hilarious television, even if it hurts the soul to watch. And I bet the show gets even better when it's narrowed down to the realistic people with talent.

Finally, though completely unrelated, congratulations to me. I have health insurance, effective today.


Blogger Shenan Boit said...

Dude for a quater i would total make a complete ass out of myself and cry and plead with simon and the sing-a-lot gang. and for another quater i would do the worm for my enterance AND tearfully worm out at the end. . . .. .oh yes, and i can't sing a lick.. . .even if i wanted to.

10:46 AM, February 01, 2007  

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