Slick, Perhaps a Bit Dangerous/Crazy, Happy, Wet, Freezing, Happy, Infuriated, Happy, Asleep, Maybe Sick - In that order
Oklahoma caught a couple waves of an ice storm this weekend. [SLICK] Not rain that froze, nor snow, but ice fell from the sky and glazed over any objects that remained motionless long enough. Some lost power, but Tulsa was lucky enough to escape the full force of the storm and the weather didn't stop me from traipsing around this weekend. (On a side note, it must have been skeezy guys hit on April weekend. Again, Friday night I was complimented by a yucky guy. He told me I was statuesque and insisted on buying me beer until he was kicked out of the bar. Gag.)
I have recently joined an ultimate frisbee league that plays every Sunday in Fayetteville. There are quite a bit of Tulsa players that drive over as well. Except yesterday. That would have only been me. The ice didn't stop me from going to play. [PERHAPS A BIT DANGEROUS/CRAZY] And I am sure glad I went. Our team, which had a very rocky (okay, terrible) start last weekend, won our first game. [HAPPY]
Then, it started raining. [WET] But I found it fun to slosh and slide around in the mud, and I didn't even care that I was mucking up my new cleats (and yes, they are pink). But then, the temperature dropped significantly, and fun turned to miserable, especially since our team has a lot of players, so we spend a lot of time on the sidelines, which was colder than running up and down a field. [FREEZING] But, we won our second game as well! [HAPPY]

I would like to take this moment now to wish that the West Siloam Springs Police Department spontaneously combusts. Talk about a small town that makes all their money off of two things: 1. A casino, and 2. Giving people ridiculous traffic tickets. Last night, West Siloam lost its electricity, and the traffic light in front of the casino was out...along with all the lights...making it pitch black. Normally, if I get pulled over for speeding, or breaking some other traffic law, I don't get angry. I accept that I got busted, and I'll take my punishment like a (wo)man. But out of the blue, as I passed the casino, the five o was right behind me. I had no idea why I was getting pulled over, and was shocked when I found out I had ran a stop sign. Important driving lesson of the day: If a traffic light is out, you should treat it like a stop sign. So, I did break the law. What p*sses me off is that no other car around me was stopping, so I got plucked out of all the law breakers, and the officer said there was a stop sign up there, which either was a complete lie or completely non-visible in the pitch black. I was so mad that the officer/pig/a-hole ought to be glad I don't carry a gun in my glove box. Yeah, I said it. [INFURIATED] My hatred had already started growing for the West Siloam Springs PD from a previous ticket they gave me for speeding when I was accelerating to get onto the highway, but apparently was still 10 feet away from the increased speed limit.
The rest of the drive home wasn't too bad, and the roads were actually clearer than when I drove to Fayetteville because finally, someone in Oklahoma was smart enough to think to plow them. Also, I had an awesome new cd to listen to given to me by a hot DJ. [HAPPY] I went straight to bed as soon as I got home, even though that meant missing Desperate. (I'll watch it online.) [ASLEEP]
And though, I don't regret driving to what turned out to be my most expensive day of playing ultimate frisbee, I may have caught pneumonia by spending four hours out in the freezing rain in my new, pink cleats. [MAYBE SICK]

Also, happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day everyone! Yet again, I wish I worked in a bank, or a school.
P.S. I would never really shoot a cop, or anyone for that matter, and do have respect for most officers.
I have recently joined an ultimate frisbee league that plays every Sunday in Fayetteville. There are quite a bit of Tulsa players that drive over as well. Except yesterday. That would have only been me. The ice didn't stop me from going to play. [PERHAPS A BIT DANGEROUS/CRAZY] And I am sure glad I went. Our team, which had a very rocky (okay, terrible) start last weekend, won our first game. [HAPPY]
Then, it started raining. [WET] But I found it fun to slosh and slide around in the mud, and I didn't even care that I was mucking up my new cleats (and yes, they are pink). But then, the temperature dropped significantly, and fun turned to miserable, especially since our team has a lot of players, so we spend a lot of time on the sidelines, which was colder than running up and down a field. [FREEZING] But, we won our second game as well! [HAPPY]
I would like to take this moment now to wish that the West Siloam Springs Police Department spontaneously combusts. Talk about a small town that makes all their money off of two things: 1. A casino, and 2. Giving people ridiculous traffic tickets. Last night, West Siloam lost its electricity, and the traffic light in front of the casino was out...along with all the lights...making it pitch black. Normally, if I get pulled over for speeding, or breaking some other traffic law, I don't get angry. I accept that I got busted, and I'll take my punishment like a (wo)man. But out of the blue, as I passed the casino, the five o was right behind me. I had no idea why I was getting pulled over, and was shocked when I found out I had ran a stop sign. Important driving lesson of the day: If a traffic light is out, you should treat it like a stop sign. So, I did break the law. What p*sses me off is that no other car around me was stopping, so I got plucked out of all the law breakers, and the officer said there was a stop sign up there, which either was a complete lie or completely non-visible in the pitch black. I was so mad that the officer/pig/a-hole ought to be glad I don't carry a gun in my glove box. Yeah, I said it. [INFURIATED] My hatred had already started growing for the West Siloam Springs PD from a previous ticket they gave me for speeding when I was accelerating to get onto the highway, but apparently was still 10 feet away from the increased speed limit.
The rest of the drive home wasn't too bad, and the roads were actually clearer than when I drove to Fayetteville because finally, someone in Oklahoma was smart enough to think to plow them. Also, I had an awesome new cd to listen to given to me by a hot DJ. [HAPPY] I went straight to bed as soon as I got home, even though that meant missing Desperate. (I'll watch it online.) [ASLEEP]
And though, I don't regret driving to what turned out to be my most expensive day of playing ultimate frisbee, I may have caught pneumonia by spending four hours out in the freezing rain in my new, pink cleats. [MAYBE SICK]
Also, happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day everyone! Yet again, I wish I worked in a bank, or a school.
P.S. I would never really shoot a cop, or anyone for that matter, and do have respect for most officers.
hi love move to LA we can play frisbee here and i can push you down in the mud
those cleats are great april. I have the same ones(except not pink), and they've lasted me almost two years of ulitmate. Way to go. By the way I do like the pink and if any punk makes fun of them tell them I'm going to send them a crazy poisonous costa rican spider to teach them a lesson.
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