The first step is admitting you have a problem
I am not a girly girl. (I AM a princess, but I am not high maintenance.) I like getting dressed up, but I don't have to be. I really don't care what I look like or what I'm wearing. I rarely wear make up except on the weekends, and fixing my hair involves pulling it into a pony tail. But I have one terrible girly weakness that I'm not that proud of: shoes. And it is getting out of control, evidenced by today's online impulse purchases:

In my defense, however, a lot of these will be replacing old shoes that have worn out, and I can wear them for work. Yet, I can't explain why I felt the need to buy these this past weekend:

In my defense, however, a lot of these will be replacing old shoes that have worn out, and I can wear them for work. Yet, I can't explain why I felt the need to buy these this past weekend:
Edit: I just got back from getting my hair cut, and even though I've got a shoe problem, at least I'm not in denial. A red-headed guy came in while I was there to tan. And yes, he was the same shade when he came out as when he went in, but with perhaps a few more freckles (or angel kisses as one of my red-haired friends would call them). Just accept it honey, you were not meant to have a golden brown tint about you.
red headed people are fug
i, on the other hand, WAS meant to have a golden brown tan and will eventually move to a Caribbean island to fulfill this destiny year-round.
please take me with you
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