Monday, March 12, 2007

Holy No Sleep

So this weekend was chalk full of fun and good times. Friday night was a "scantily clad" party. As more drinks were consumed, more clothing was removed. It was really hot, except for when it was cold.
The 2007 NCAA indoor track meet was also this weekend, and I always have an excellent time when I get to watch people running fast in circles. And then of course, big track meets = big after parties.
And here is Nick, really nailing it (in a non-porno way):

And here is what happens when you are running on very little sleep and waiting in a car outside your friend's apartment for him to come unlock his door because your other friend thinks she may have thrown away a ticket to a track meet in his trash can, and you need to dig through his trash. However, he is confused because he misunderstands the message and thinks you want to take his trash to Dickson Street. Holy no sleep.


Blogger sfine said...

Nick is such a lofty bastard. I never want to be on the other side of his snob.

9:57 PM, March 14, 2007  
Blogger Faye said...

i wish the other versions of our chicken laughs had been as successful. the originals were better. the moral of the story, however, is 6-fold: 1) where is the track fucking ticket? 2) did the trash actually make it to dickson street? 3)where is Tanner's T-Shirt? 4)Where are the jumper cables? 5)Were there really ever any rats? 6)who has the p.j.'s now?

5:23 PM, March 17, 2007  

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