There are holidays in February

Unfortunately this February, unlike the past three, Kristy and I were unable to get together to make our infamous Valentine's Day cards. Not to worry, there are plenty of upcoming holidays we plan on helping you celebrate with paper, glitter, and glue in the near future, but for now I leave you with these celebratory wishes on Cupid's favorite day and Martin Luther King Jr.'s favorite month (and I know there was a holiday on the 2nd celebrating a rodent, but I am boycotting that one because the rodent said there will be 6 more weeks of winter). Much love to you all in February!
Yay ur back to updating ur blog! … a) i couldn’t tell if the v-day card u sent me about roaming around looking for un-dateables pertained to us or the men we date… b) black IS the new black! haha
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