Don't say I never took you places
So, I haven't been updating as much as I would like. What happened to the holidays? They rocked around the Christmas tree and then around midnight, and it was a good time. But this will be a good start to 2008:
It was to my horror that I realized I hadn't gone to Vegas once in 2007, so it was to my delight that an ultimate tournament brought me back. The tournament was good stuff. Honestly, I wish our level of play had been a bit higher, but we had low numbers, and did I mention we were in LAS VEGAS? When it comes down to winning a tournament that doesn't get you to nationals versus playing harder on the strip and not winning, the latter sounds like the true winner anyway. The team was a hodpodge of players, some of us had played together, most of us had not and it showed. It took awhile for us to find a flow (our very last game), so after our first game we decided to live up to the first half of our name, Liquor and Cleats, by drinking some gin swirls and doing keg stands. (To our credit, the one game we won out of our three on the first day was our last one, after the majority of our team had been liquoring. Perhaps, getting wasted is the key to our success...though I'm not sure saying one plays better while wasted is something to be proud of.)

Sheena made us sparkly dresses to play in, so I can add another tournament to my list of tournaments where I wore a dress/partial dress. I like to think of day one on the fields as just one, big, hot mess.

I was super pumped when we finished play on Saturday. I have a good friend who lives in Vegas who knows people who know people who own 1/3 of the nightclub Pure in Ceasar's. I had it arranged for our crew to get in VIP. It was going to be the mutt's nuts. Well don't get me started on that night. Turns out I got back to the house to discover I didn't have my purse, which means I had no money or identification. I went back to the fields and scoured them for it, but no luck. I didn't panic yet and was hoping it'd show up in the lost and found, and since I was going in with VIPs to the club, I wouldn't get carded, so no biggie, right? Wrong. Because my problem was that I was with frisbee folks, who when told, "meet me at the club at 10:30," think, "I'll show up at midnight." During our wait, the VIPs got bored, and decided not to go to the club anymore. So once my friends showed, they got them in, but didn't go in as well, which meant no go for me. I think the bouncer said something like, "I'll let you in, but I'll get fired for it, but you are so cute it's worth it." I replied, "No, I couldn't have that weighing down my conscience so I'll just go home." Well, maybe it wasn't quite like that, but I'll reiterate: April waiting for friends = not getting to club; if April had left friends, it would = sweet night at Pure. I know everyone did have a good time, and I was only partially bitter. I had a good night at the house anyway (wink, wink), so it's all gravy baby. Below is a picture of Kate and Champagne at the end of the night. You know they had a night well spent. You're welcome.

Day two on the fields was a bit ridiculous. Half of our team and half of the team we should have been playing at nine were MIA or passed out in vehicles. The other team had more people show up eventually, so we forfeited, 15 minutes too soon. Our crew rolled up to play, but we had already lost. We scrimmaged that team some and would have definitely beat them. The next team we should have played had to leave, so we didn't get to play them. We played our third game and won quite easily. I was again disappointed with the lack of actual ultimate playing, but I did notice that my throws have improved significantly, so that's positive. I think I gained some confidence in them, which has made a huge difference. After the fields, we went back to the house and got in the hot tub. Being in the hot tub inspired the brilliant idea of taking a bubble bath. And my brilliant idea was put into action because it just so happened one of the guys had strawberries and cream bubble bath (this really sealed the deal on my love for him). Now, here's where I have to question the sexuality of some of the guys staying with us in the house. Vikki and I got in the tub and only one guy came to join us. That guy is now proclaimed the king of the ballers. And that bath was plush, just like the rest of the house, which I don't think I've given proper homage to yet (it was baller, if you want to see pics of it, become friends with Matt Ellsworth on facebook).

The bubble bath was great, except for our jet issues. I think people were messing with us, but it may have been the SoCo and sprite. After bath time, Vik, Joel, Sean, and I went to the Bellagio (sigh) and went to the club, The Bank. It was really nice and we had a good time. The drinks were super expensive, but we were in Vegas. We tipped the bouncer $40 to let us cut line and we got in and didn't have to pay covers. We danced until our feet hurt and then headed back to the house. Sean and I thought it would be cute to match (not really).

Playing slots for free drinks before the club:

And then it was time to leave...or was it? Remember how I lost my id briefly? In that period I had called the airlines to let them know of my situation. My plan was to get my passport overnighted if it didn't show up, and then get the next flight I could. The airlines had me reserved for two potential spots, my original flight, and a flight leaving Tuesday morning. I was to call them 3 hours before my flight on Monday and let them know which one I needed. So, I called to find out I didn't have my reservation on Monday's flight and would be leaving on Tuesday morning, and oh yeah, I owed them $75 for the plane change. Whaaaa??? I tried to give them my debit card to pay for the flight, but it wouldn't go through; either because it hadn't reactivated from when I reported it lost, or the idiots at the airline wouldn't put in my billing address when I told them they had my dad's info in their system. So I called daddy (that's what I call him when I want something) and he paid the $75, tah-dah! I was spending another night in Vegas. I have a friend who lives there, so I had a place to stay. I spent most of the day watching my birthday partner (that means we have the same birthday) win (and then lose) at poker at the Wynn. But, I spent part of the day winning $250 playing black jack, woot! We ended the day eating a dank dinner at Spago, and yes, I got a second dose of the most amazing mashed potatoes ever.
So the moral of this story is: lose your id briefly in Vegas and you will get to eat delicious mashed potatoes with your cute birthday partner.
It was to my horror that I realized I hadn't gone to Vegas once in 2007, so it was to my delight that an ultimate tournament brought me back. The tournament was good stuff. Honestly, I wish our level of play had been a bit higher, but we had low numbers, and did I mention we were in LAS VEGAS? When it comes down to winning a tournament that doesn't get you to nationals versus playing harder on the strip and not winning, the latter sounds like the true winner anyway. The team was a hodpodge of players, some of us had played together, most of us had not and it showed. It took awhile for us to find a flow (our very last game), so after our first game we decided to live up to the first half of our name, Liquor and Cleats, by drinking some gin swirls and doing keg stands. (To our credit, the one game we won out of our three on the first day was our last one, after the majority of our team had been liquoring. Perhaps, getting wasted is the key to our success...though I'm not sure saying one plays better while wasted is something to be proud of.)

Sheena made us sparkly dresses to play in, so I can add another tournament to my list of tournaments where I wore a dress/partial dress. I like to think of day one on the fields as just one, big, hot mess.

I was super pumped when we finished play on Saturday. I have a good friend who lives in Vegas who knows people who know people who own 1/3 of the nightclub Pure in Ceasar's. I had it arranged for our crew to get in VIP. It was going to be the mutt's nuts. Well don't get me started on that night. Turns out I got back to the house to discover I didn't have my purse, which means I had no money or identification. I went back to the fields and scoured them for it, but no luck. I didn't panic yet and was hoping it'd show up in the lost and found, and since I was going in with VIPs to the club, I wouldn't get carded, so no biggie, right? Wrong. Because my problem was that I was with frisbee folks, who when told, "meet me at the club at 10:30," think, "I'll show up at midnight." During our wait, the VIPs got bored, and decided not to go to the club anymore. So once my friends showed, they got them in, but didn't go in as well, which meant no go for me. I think the bouncer said something like, "I'll let you in, but I'll get fired for it, but you are so cute it's worth it." I replied, "No, I couldn't have that weighing down my conscience so I'll just go home." Well, maybe it wasn't quite like that, but I'll reiterate: April waiting for friends = not getting to club; if April had left friends, it would = sweet night at Pure. I know everyone did have a good time, and I was only partially bitter. I had a good night at the house anyway (wink, wink), so it's all gravy baby. Below is a picture of Kate and Champagne at the end of the night. You know they had a night well spent. You're welcome.

Day two on the fields was a bit ridiculous. Half of our team and half of the team we should have been playing at nine were MIA or passed out in vehicles. The other team had more people show up eventually, so we forfeited, 15 minutes too soon. Our crew rolled up to play, but we had already lost. We scrimmaged that team some and would have definitely beat them. The next team we should have played had to leave, so we didn't get to play them. We played our third game and won quite easily. I was again disappointed with the lack of actual ultimate playing, but I did notice that my throws have improved significantly, so that's positive. I think I gained some confidence in them, which has made a huge difference. After the fields, we went back to the house and got in the hot tub. Being in the hot tub inspired the brilliant idea of taking a bubble bath. And my brilliant idea was put into action because it just so happened one of the guys had strawberries and cream bubble bath (this really sealed the deal on my love for him). Now, here's where I have to question the sexuality of some of the guys staying with us in the house. Vikki and I got in the tub and only one guy came to join us. That guy is now proclaimed the king of the ballers. And that bath was plush, just like the rest of the house, which I don't think I've given proper homage to yet (it was baller, if you want to see pics of it, become friends with Matt Ellsworth on facebook).

The bubble bath was great, except for our jet issues. I think people were messing with us, but it may have been the SoCo and sprite. After bath time, Vik, Joel, Sean, and I went to the Bellagio (sigh) and went to the club, The Bank. It was really nice and we had a good time. The drinks were super expensive, but we were in Vegas. We tipped the bouncer $40 to let us cut line and we got in and didn't have to pay covers. We danced until our feet hurt and then headed back to the house. Sean and I thought it would be cute to match (not really).

Playing slots for free drinks before the club:

And then it was time to leave...or was it? Remember how I lost my id briefly? In that period I had called the airlines to let them know of my situation. My plan was to get my passport overnighted if it didn't show up, and then get the next flight I could. The airlines had me reserved for two potential spots, my original flight, and a flight leaving Tuesday morning. I was to call them 3 hours before my flight on Monday and let them know which one I needed. So, I called to find out I didn't have my reservation on Monday's flight and would be leaving on Tuesday morning, and oh yeah, I owed them $75 for the plane change. Whaaaa??? I tried to give them my debit card to pay for the flight, but it wouldn't go through; either because it hadn't reactivated from when I reported it lost, or the idiots at the airline wouldn't put in my billing address when I told them they had my dad's info in their system. So I called daddy (that's what I call him when I want something) and he paid the $75, tah-dah! I was spending another night in Vegas. I have a friend who lives there, so I had a place to stay. I spent most of the day watching my birthday partner (that means we have the same birthday) win (and then lose) at poker at the Wynn. But, I spent part of the day winning $250 playing black jack, woot! We ended the day eating a dank dinner at Spago, and yes, I got a second dose of the most amazing mashed potatoes ever.
So the moral of this story is: lose your id briefly in Vegas and you will get to eat delicious mashed potatoes with your cute birthday partner.
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