Friday, April 06, 2007

Just like Jesus

Last summer, to my horror, I was told that Village Inn was no longer carrying jalapeno poppers, and it shattered my tastebuds...and my soul. But, they have arisen! It's a late night eating miracle. I went to VI last night, or rather early this morning, and the first thing I noticed was their vamped up menus. The second and more important thing I noticed was the fine print. Under the appetizer section. They were there. It said "jalapeno poppers". I had to ask my friends to make sure it wasn't hopeful reading on my part, but it wasn't. I was overjoyed and all seemed right in the world. I couldn't really express to the group how major the historical event we were taking place in was: the return of the poppers. I ordered a basket, and just when I thought I couldn't be more happy, the order came. Poppers used to come with only five in a basket, but when I stared down at my long lost loves, there were 10 glorious nuggets of goodness awaiting my devouring. It truly was a Good Friday, except for the part where I scalded half the roof of my mouth off by being too impatient to wait for them to cool off.

(I'll probably gain five pounds within a month now too. Luckily/unluckily, no VI can make poppers as well as the one on Harvard in Tulsa, so I won't be around often enough to clog my arteries with popper cream cheese.)


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