Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A sign you need a new career path

When poems like this about the industry you are in get forwarded around the office:


Last night as I lay sleeping,
I died or so it seems.

Then I went to Heaven
But it was only in my dream.

But it seems St. Peter met me,
there at the Pearly Gate.

He said, "I must check your record,,
So stand right here and wait."

I see where you drank alcohol,
And swore quite often too.

Fact is you've done many things
That a good person shouldn't do.

We can't have people like you up here,
Your life was full of sin.

Then he read the last of my record,
Grasped my hand and said, "come in."

He took me to the big boss,
Said "Take him and treat him well."

He worked in transportation, Sir.
He's had his share of HELL

(So if I get fired today, maybe it won't too terrible afterall.)

Friday, January 16, 2009

Fun Times at Work

Today, my right contact fell out on my way to work. I couldn't find it and can only see decently if I close my right eye. My co-worker noticed and made me an eye patch to wear, which actually helps. Arrggh. I'm a pirate.

Today, I had to go to the bathroom. When I did, I realize I put my panties on inside out (maybe this can be related to the lost contact). Arrggh. I'm an idiot.