Monday, October 30, 2006

So yeah, Halloween

I went to Fayetteville this past weekend and roamed, or buzzed, around to a few different Halloween parties with my sister and a drunken sailor. We had a good time. I should have more fun pictures from my party the previous weekend, but the person who has them on her camera (my mom) just doesn't understand the importance of sending pictures ASAP so they can be posted all over the Internet immediately. Must be the generation gap coming into play. Ha. (I mean, come on, Mom, I've got a Myspace and Facebook account to upkeep here. I stopped messing with Friendster long ago though. Thank goodness!)

What do you do with a drunken sailor?

And NO, I wasn't going as the bee from the Blind Melon video. I was just a regular bee. Well, a queen bee maybe, but I'm that all the time, except for when I'm a princess; but then I'm just a princess and not associated with any insects (which is all the time except for when I'm in bee costume).

Monday, October 23, 2006

Cake Frosting Decor

I think the sign of a good party should be measured by whether or not any feelings of affection towards a religious group are expressed in cake frosting on your bedroom door.

(My house mate is Jewish.)

I had a Halloween party this weekend. This picture does not come close to showing what an incredible mess my house has become. I suddenly sympathize with fraternity pledges who have to clean up after frat parties. Never thought that would happen. And when I say, "not on the furniture," I mean "not on the furniture."!!!

More to come...

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

McDonald's McMonopoly

Now, I love McDonald's just as much as my fellow Americans who have not yet seen Supersize Me (it's on my Netflix list though). And I also get a tiny thrill from playing their Monopoly game, like last night when I won a small McFlurry. But I never realized how much some people like playing that game until I watched my friend order 8 medium Diet Cokes just for the game pieces last night. I followed suit and ordered 2 Dr. Peppers. We grabbed a bite at another restaurant, but drove to McDonald's to get our drinks just to play the game. This has to be one of the most successful promotions of all time. Also, if you ever want McDonald's employees to give you weird and puzzling looks, go up to them and order only 10 soft drinks and a large fries. It's like Monopoly mania up in this joint!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Suspicions confirmed

A really fun thing to do is get overly dressed up and go to a club. Then there is absolutely no denying you are the best looking people in the place (not that there is ever any doubt). But seriously, it is a fun that brings a kind of release of inhibitions, but without a hangover in the morning, and you don't have to wait for a gala or another wedding to get out your formal duds.

Members of the fabulous shmu cru: Shmickalaus, ShmeeShmoo, Shmayla, Shmagabby, and Shmapril.

They work together, play together, pee together,

and did I say play together?

This is a result of my favorite picture taking game, but I can't remember what emotion was yelled out. I imagine it was something like, "Oh yeah, I rule."

If only you could see the part not in the picture that is being applauded.

This trend is coming to a city near you.

Sometimes, you just have to be those girls if no one else is stepping up to the plate.

Big fans + big hair = BIG FUN!

This is a top secret super hero power enabling move.

A: "Nick, I'm kind of tired of looking better than everyone else."
N: "Mmm huh, you got that right!"

Our little performer makes us proud.

I believe this is the reaction to finding dog poop on your sandwich, or something of that nature.

So, just let me know if you feel like getting dressed up and going out, and other than on Halloween. I have two other dresses I am dying to wear. Haha. I swear I am not superficial.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

A grammar rule I disagree WITH

I am currently studying for the GMAT. I've decided working full time is for suckers and school is where it's at. Plus, in order for me to get my claws even deeper into corporate America, I need a MBA, and I am a huge nerd and love school and being a student. Part of the test consists of sentence correction, which requires knowledge of the rules of grammar. I already feel like I have a pretty good grasp on them thanks to my high school AP Language and Composition teacher, even though I tend to break them frequently. One rule I break often is the one about not ending a sentence with a preposition. If ever I felt strongly about the rules of grammar, it would be here. I think most of my best stated sentences end with prepositions, and I refuse to change my grammar breaking ways. Can anyone plead this rule's case for me? I doubt any argument would be strong enough to sway my opinion. Now, I must get back to my studying and becoming even more nerdier. Next topic: The differences between lay and lie. What's up with that?

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Don't ask, JUST DO

Go buy The Killer's new album, Sam's Town.

It is amazing, arguably the best rockish album of 2006. And I don't care if you're one of those pretentious music snobs who refuses to like music because it is too mainstream, and you think you have a better taste in music than the general population because you only listen to indie, hipster approved tunes. Sam's Town is a really good album. And I do apologize for my simple use of adjectives to describe it.

Also, if you see him, please tell Brandon Flowers that I am willing to become a Mormon to be one of his wives.

Do I look like I GAF??

If one more crazy meth addict who has obviously never been a collegiate tennis player decides to tell me half garbled stories I really can't understand, mainly because they are being told through a mouth with only two teeth, about his college days as a poor, black tennis player dating a rich, white sorority girl whose father disapproved, especially when she brought him along to high classs fencing tournaments, I am going to sock someone in the face and knock out the remaining two teeth. There are plenty other people in line at the post office to garble and bark at. I just want to buy my stamps in peace.