Who knew?
I run along Riverside a lot. Until last night, the wildest animal I had seen was a fox. But last night, as I was running, I noticed a really cute, small, white, fluffy dog running towards me. It was running in a manner where both its front feet stepped together in unison followed by a leap from its back feet; not like a normal dog, and more like a rabbit, but much cuter. Oh wait, it wasn't a dog, it was a SKUNK!! An all white skunk. I never knew albino skunks existed. I wonder if s/he had a social complex about it. I didn't stick around to find out, and may have set some world records in my escape. I just know that, like the past two times I've seen wild foxes on Riverside, this skunk spotting resulted in me losing my dinner about a mile later. I really need to chew up my spaghetti better. Last night was an almost full moon, and apparently the skunks come out during these nights to answer the calls of love. I was wearing black running tights with white stripes down the sides.

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