I am woman, hear me ROAR!

Since my freshman year in college, a small group of friends and I have had game nights about 3-4 times a year. Though some of the players have changed through the years, two things have always been the same: 1. We always start with Trivial Pursuit so that we are still sober during play, and 2. It is ALWAYS boys versus girls.
And finally, this past weekend, the girls beat the boys at Trivial Pursuit. We won a battle at the never ending war of the sexes using gameboards for our weapons (I think our dueling swords were being sharpened)! And the fact that the overall scoreboard is something like 20-1 doesn't take away from this momentous win. Before you call us girls stupid, it is important to point out that the biggest reasons we have lost all these years are the sports categories and these guys just happen to be really, really smart. Plus, we have beaten them at Catchphrase several times. They had taken pity on us in the past and suggest we divide the teams differently, but we females refused to accept defeat, and we were not defeated! We did lose out, however, on the sweetest part of a Trivial Pursuit victory. Traditionally, the losing team has had to give a dance performance for the winners, but apparently that only happens when the guys win.
I offer proof to our pie victory:

Most of the men, well I guess they have been reduced to boys now. Most of the boys accepted their defeat graciously. Others did not handle it so well, especially one of the originals, who watched as his once mighty and victorious Trivial Pursuit Empire slowly crumbled with each pie piece earned by the ladies.
Later in the night, a few of us decided to play Trivial Pursuit again. This time it wasn't boys versus girls, but the slap of the earlier loss was still stinging. These videos (if you have 4 minutes) offer proof to why we start the evening with Trivial Pursuit and not end with it. You can also see why losing to the girls team is a bit hard to take. Since when was Mark Twain a Russian puzzle maker? I am so ashamed.
I don't guarantee they will keep your interest unless you were there either.
Note: These videos contain adult language
The attitude Keith protruded that night was priceless. The utter feeling of loss to THE GIRLS really was a gut wrenching feeling for him. The sarcastic remarks, looks of disbelief and the not so sparkly eye of his was what I live for. It was glorious!
Go Girls!!!
That comment was left by me Kristy!
All I gotta say about your "win" is
Bring it on when G and I can play ;)
Bring it on b/c it has been broughten!
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