Sunday, August 06, 2006

Give me more of that sweet stuff

Two items have brought me great joy and immense pleasure this weekend:

1. Mr. Clean Magic Erasers
I have been moving, and with moving comes cleaning. There is nothing these small squares with godlike cleaning powers can't wipe away. They are so good, I am writing a blog about them.

2. Birthday Cake Remix at Cold Stone Creamery
You have not had a good icecream experience until you let your tastebuds come in contact with this heavenly confectionery concoction. I almost shouldn't tell people about it because any other icecream just won't ever be good enough again, and that is almost a curse.


Blogger evanmcb said...

cold stone is soo good. do they mash up a birthday cake for that? i felt the same way the last time sonic had their birthday party. they had a birthday cake shake--for about two weeks--that involved actual cake (with icing, sprinkles, etc) and ice cream and then this weird feeling that you were missing out on a piƱata somewhere.

1:11 PM, August 08, 2006  
Blogger April said...

yes, that is EXACTLY what they do, but what makes it so awesomely and magically delicious is that they mash it all up with birthday cake batter icecream, which, though has been recalled in seattle before due to salmonella, is too good for me to even attempt to describe with my limited vocabulary and subpar writing skills

1:42 PM, August 08, 2006  

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