Emotional Roller Coaster
...annoyed when my alarm went off and I had to get up for work, but wanted to stay in bed.
...angry by the moron drivers the great state of Oklahoma has managed to produce. How arrogant and self-centered do you have to be to not use your blinkers?!!! grrr.
...excited when I made plans to go out for Mardi Gras. I'm so going to get tons of beads--wink, wink!!
...sad when I found out how much the vet visit for my new kitten is costing me, once again reminding me that responsibility is the worst.
...nostalgic when a random memory of playing pool volleyball with my friends during what will go down as the funnest summer ever popped into my head.
...malicious/clever when I pranked my friend pretending to be calling from ABC and telling her she won a trip to Paris by watching The Bachelor and registering on ABC.com.
...guilty when the friend I pranked believed me and got super excited until I crushed her hopes and dreams.
...stoked that my upcoming trips are actually going to happen!
...jealous when I found out my friends went to go see Coldplay in OKC last night.
...frustrated that it is so amazingly gorgeous outside and I am stuck in an office, and it is supposed to rain this weekend, once again reminding me that responsibility is the worst.
...happy when I realized what time it is and I get to peace out of this mother and go start my Fat Tuesday celebrating.
...disappointed to know that I won't be able to fully enjoy tonight's fun times because coming into work will be hanging over my head like a Sunday does at the end of the weekend, once again reminding me that responsibility is the worst.