Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Emotional Roller Coaster

Today I felt...

...annoyed when my alarm went off and I had to get up for work, but wanted to stay in bed.
...angry by the moron drivers the great state of Oklahoma has managed to produce. How arrogant and self-centered do you have to be to not use your blinkers?!!! grrr.
...excited when I made plans to go out for Mardi Gras. I'm so going to get tons of beads--wink, wink!!
...sad when I found out how much the vet visit for my new kitten is costing me, once again reminding me that responsibility is the worst.
...nostalgic when a random memory of playing pool volleyball with my friends during what will go down as the funnest summer ever popped into my head.
...malicious/clever when I pranked my friend pretending to be calling from ABC and telling her she won a trip to Paris by watching The Bachelor and registering on ABC.com.
...guilty when the friend I pranked believed me and got super excited until I crushed her hopes and dreams.
...stoked that my upcoming trips are actually going to happen!
...jealous when I found out my friends went to go see Coldplay in OKC last night.
...frustrated that it is so amazingly gorgeous outside and I am stuck in an office, and it is supposed to rain this weekend, once again reminding me that responsibility is the worst.
...happy when I realized what time it is and I get to peace out of this mother and go start my Fat Tuesday celebrating.
...disappointed to know that I won't be able to fully enjoy tonight's fun times because coming into work will be hanging over my head like a Sunday does at the end of the weekend, once again reminding me that responsibility is the worst.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Go-ooooooooooooooo ME!!!

Today, I ran farther than I ever have before in my life in one run (I'm training for a marathon). It was horrible. I don't know what I'm thinking. I just had to lay and not move for over an hour when I finished, my knee is jacked up, I can barely walk, and I got really bad chub rub on my arms. Next week, I'll be going even farther. To commemorate this occasion, here is a picture of me racing my freshman year.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Merit; Whipple; Cheeple!?

Ready for randomness? A new game. Say three words. Must be instantly. Can't think long. Just do it! Okay, enough of trying to write this post in three word half sentences. Besides, that really isn't playing the game anyway, because those weren't random words pulled from the deepest crevices in my mind. So yeah, I learned a new game last night while at a wine bar. We went in circles saying three random words as fast as possible. You should try it sometime, but prepare yourself because you don't know what is going to come out of your friends' mouths, or even scarier, your own. I don't remember a lot of the sayings, but I do remember laughing. A lot, a lot. Maybe it was the wine though. And while I'm dishing out games and advice, here's some tidbits for you to chew on:

-MadLibs is always more entertaining when you provide dirty answers.

-Try to "draw" a circle in the air with your right hand moving it clockwise. Keep it going, round and round and round. Now, at the same time try to draw the number six with your right foot. And also, do this at a wine bar so people can laugh at you.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

On a more serious note

Today I suddenly remembered that my stillborn nephew would have been two this week. And I just have to be yet more amazed by the power of our minds, and realize how shallow I have been lately. I have experienced real hurt and loss. My mind has let me forget those feelings to allow me to continue being a functional human. But I don't want to forget those feelings because they help put life in perspective. Of late, my biggest concerns have been what to wear, where to go out, how to lose more weight, why can't people be honest, why does he even call if he's just going to give me the brush off, what am I doing, and so on and so forth. These things should not even be allowed to upset or frazzle me when I know real hardships are out there. Thank you Sascha for helping me remember. I love you forever.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I like it when the dj at a dance club singles me out and calls me a hot babe

Naturally, I agree. Below are two things I enjoy doing. One, I am terrible at. The other, I am okay at. However, the one that I'm okay at didn't get any one dollar bills shoved down my pants. I should point out the person getting all the scrilla was wearing mesh underwear (I won't post that picture in an attempt to keep this blog G-rated). An important lesson can be learned here: Never leave home without hot panties.

Monday, February 20, 2006

If you want my advice, work at a bank...

...or a school, or the post office. Because then today, unlike me, you would be enjoying another day off for what some might call a "minor holiday". Happy President's Day everyone!

Friday, February 17, 2006

Being friends with a local celebrity can take its toll

How many of you can say one of your best friend's hair is famous? Well, I can. You may recognize this mane if you drive by Identity on Peoria. The only problem with having a friend with such famous hair is coping with my jealousy when she gets to experience all the glitter and glamour. Hey everybody, I have pretty hair too!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Olympics are in the Air

I have found two new reasons to watch the 2006 Winter Olympics: Evan Lysacek (figure skater) and Jeremy Bloom (ski team). But don't worry Lance [Armstrong] and Andy [Roddick], I still have mass love for you.

I have also found two reasons not to be an ice speed skater:

Two more notes on the Olympics.

1. The best way to watch figure skating is by muting your television and then putting on Aqua.

2. Every time I watch a medal ceremony, I cry. I'm such a ball of emotions when it comes to the Olympics.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentine's Day is a day for making a fool of yourself

Last year, my friend, Kristy, and I decided to make Valentine's Day cards for our friends. This year, we took it to the next level. See if you can match the caption with the picture. 1. "Valentine, you complete me." 2. "We're head over heels for you!" 3. "Our love for you runs on forever." 4. "Baby, I'm sweatin' you!"

Monday, February 13, 2006

When good limes turn sour

Nathan came to visit last night. He may never be the same.

I, on the other hand, had a delightful time.

Friday, February 10, 2006

I went camping in January, so hard core

Last month, I went camping in Arkansas at Lost Valley near the Buffalo River.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

All the party people in the world say, "yeah!"

If you haven't heard of myspace yet, then you live in an Internet cave. Today I reaffirmed one of my two favorite reasons for playing on myspace - coming across music I would probably never have heard otherwise. (The other reason is stalking my friends online.) Here is who I was introduced to today:

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

I'm a peacock!

Things I found out today...

1. The reason my right eye has been irritating me is because the contact I thought had fallen out had not, and has been stuck to the back of my eyeball for a couple days. I now have a new fear, second only to sharks.

2. Turning 25 did lower my car insurance. Hooray! I am now $19 richer every month.

3. Wild foxes are roaming about Tulsa. I saw one while I was running tonight.

4. I still can not eat four hours prior to running without vomiting. I thought I had surpassed this stage when I finished my collegiate running career a couple years ago, but tonight I had a horrible flash back to Texas Relays finishing my leg of the 4x800 and a trash can. No matter what you may think, Mexican food is not as good the second time around. ewwwww. TMI?

5. I'm a peacock! I went to a conference this morning (sometimes I can be professional - I wore a suit) and learned about classifying people into four categories given bird names. It is pretty interesting. Being a peacock, I am apparently more open and direct. Perhaps, this is why I was able to share #4. There were door prizes at the conference. I won a $10 gift certificate to QT. Now, I'm faced with a big decision: Do I use it to fill up my car with almost half a tank of gas, or buy beer and a chicken bacon melt. Mmmmmm...chicken bacon melt from QT, arguably the best late night after drinking snack only second to jalapeno poppers from Village Inn. I'm sure I'l make a spontaneous decision. It's what us peacocks tend to do.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Corn is for Lovers - If you move to Iowa, don't get Sprint

Before living in Arkansas and Oklahoma, I lived in small town Iowa. This past weekend I went back to see the fam. It was great. My aunts, uncles, and cousins are the coolest.

The town I was in is so small that a complete stranger guessed who my mom is while I was at my cousin's basketball game because I look like her. She hadn't seen my mom in over 20 years and had never seen me before.

Some things about my trip:

On the drive there, I realized I am very good at singing, but only when I'm alone in my car. If I could cure my stagefright, I would so win American Idol. I also saw a sign that said, "Don't Drive into Smoke." Are you kidding me? Do people really need to be told this? I say if they do, we should let them, and hopefully they'll do so before they produce offspring. I then saw a billboard for dentures. I have to question whether this is a good use of that company's advertising dollars. I also got very depressed to discover 80s music being played on the oldies radio stations. Sigh. On the way there, I stayed a night in Kansas City and went out with a friend. We had a good time. Kansas City is alright with me.

While in Iowa, my grandma told me I needed to find an Adventist church in Tulsa, so I could find a nice boyfriend who would not be using drugs (my great aunt made sure to tell me to find a rich one too). And all this time I was going for smart, attractive, and funny, and thought church was for practicing religion. Perhaps grandma's onto something though. My current love life is more messed up than Bush's war on terrorism, so maybe I will go to church next Saturday. I was also fortunate to stay in the Coca-Cola capital of Iowa (that's Alantic for those not familiar) for one night. Once again, Coke has proved their marketing genius.

Probably the highlight of the trip was Friday night when my family turned the town restaurant into a dance floor. I added to my injuries with a failed attempt to do the worm on a concrete floor. The next night we were in Council Bluffs and went to the casino. From now on I am not gambling in establishments that do not provide free booze and Pai Gow is my new favorite table game. I got back just in time to see the Seahawks lose to the Steelers (hooray!), and more importantly catch Grey's Anatomy. Good stuff. So, what else about Iowa? There is a lot of corn, and overalls are still in style.