-track makes me really excited and last night the team i'm coaching had a track meet. and this may not mean much to a lot of you, but my team has got some crazy talent, like an 8th grader running a 400 in 55 seconds followed by a 200 in 24.9 (with no events in between), followed by a 57 split in the 4x400, and a win in the high jump. dang, son.
-mtv's "my sweet 16" show really saddens me. i don't watch it, but sometimes i see the commercials and want to cry when i hear that $100,000 or more gets spent on a spoiled brat's 16th birthday party who will never contribute to society except by spending daddy's money and giving mtv material to make more crappy shows. but what really sickens me is the fact that if i was loaded, i would probably throw myself a super, expensive, outlandish birthday party too. you're all invited if it happens, i'll send my private jet to pick you up.
-i wish i was more artistic. i can't draw or write well and i can't play a musical instrument. i tried to teach myself guitar, but that has resulted in my possession of one dusty guitar. and i don't really have an "eye" for photography and such. also, artists who produce art that is confusing on purpose or just because they refuse to be mainstream really annoy me. think of all the good songs, essays, pictures, etc., we have probably missed out on just because of principle.
-two things have genuinely freaked me out lately. the first being that i discovered my iron face down on my floor and it was on. what freaks me out is that, i hadn't ironed in about five days and i was gone for a weekend while it was on. i could have come back to a burned down apartment. however, i refuse to believe that i am so careless not to notice that i left my iron on for five days as it sizzled into my bedroom carpet (i am pretty ocd about leaving my iron and my curling iron on and usually unplug them immediately after use. actually i don't even leave my blender or toaster plugged in.). so here's the creepy part: either someone came into my apartment and turned my iron on and set it on my carpet, or my cats knocked the iron onto the floor, plugged it in, and then turned it on. and this brings me to my second freak out. i have two kittens (Snarf and Rocky) in my apartment right now. i'm sure you're thinking, "how cute, kittens". i did too. i even thought it was cute when they slept with me at night and cuddled up on my pillow. but now, i know they are plotting to eat me. i keep waking up in the middle of the night to both of them right by my head staring at me. i know a lot of pets will eat you if you die and you aren't found for a few hours (a recent fact i learned; something about pack mentality), but if i happen to be found dead in my apartment soon, just know the cats didn't eat me after i died. they killed me by eating me.
-well, maybe the iron is my fault, but i still don't want to believe it, mostly because i have an external locus of control sometimes. i will consider myself lucky though, and if i come home today and it is on, i'm moving and getting rid of two very adorable kittens.