Friday, March 30, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Meet the new loves of my life
Some fine Tulsa frisbee folk:
I have also been dog sitting for a friend lately. This dog plays the adorable puppy role quite well, but he is really shy and skittish. He also likes to pace around in circles as if he will meet his doom if he stops.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Fur wraps are haute
And so are these Australians. Lately, I've been into a lot of U.K. indie rock (The Kooks, Editors, Fratellis, Magic Numbers, Idlewild, Hard-Fi, Kaiser Chiefs, Futureheads, etc.), but I might be shifting gears. I give you Sneaky Sound System. This is by far NOT their best song, but it's the only video YouTube had, and it's still full of pretty people. But you should really go here, and listen to "Pictures" and "Tease Me". Those should make you want to dance around in fur wraps and panties.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Yay for Shamrock Antlers
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
The lift stopped at her floor before I got the chance to agree with her though. If you're going to play cards at a luncheon, you should be playing poker, not bridge, Texas Hold 'Em to be specific.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Holy No Sleep
And here is what happens when you are running on very little sleep and waiting in a car outside your friend's apartment for him to come unlock his door because your other friend thinks she may have thrown away a ticket to a track meet in his trash can, and you need to dig through his trash. However, he is confused because he misunderstands the message and thinks you want to take his trash to Dickson Street. Holy no sleep.
Friday, March 09, 2007
The first step is admitting you have a problem

In my defense, however, a lot of these will be replacing old shoes that have worn out, and I can wear them for work. Yet, I can't explain why I felt the need to buy these this past weekend:
Edit: I just got back from getting my hair cut, and even though I've got a shoe problem, at least I'm not in denial. A red-headed guy came in while I was there to tan. And yes, he was the same shade when he came out as when he went in, but with perhaps a few more freckles (or angel kisses as one of my red-haired friends would call them). Just accept it honey, you were not meant to have a golden brown tint about you.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
How Did I Miss This?